Friday, August 6, 2010

Wk 1 Comment on Kathy Kellen's Blog

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How are my thoughts and actions reflections of a measurement world?
I looked at that pattern of nine dots with the instruction to connect them all with only 4 lines, and immediately saw the box, and the dot in the middle that was unconnected. Seeing the "Possibility" figure on page 14, my reaction was, "why didn't I think of that???" So at this moment since my thoughts are still focused on a grade that is incorrect from a previous course, I guess I am in the measurement world. Is this where I want to remain? NO!
When I am focusing on the people in my life and building connections, but still realizing that I am shaped by assumptions of life in this world, I feel that I am getting closer. My desire is to be open to possibility, to silence the negative voices. "You are more likely to be successful, overall, if you participate joyfully with projects and goals and do not think your life depends on achieving the mark because then you will be better able to connect to people all around you."(Zander, 2000. p.21)

Source: Zander, B & Zander, R. (2000). The art of possibility. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press


Abbie Toy said...
@Kathy - I think we are all a work in progress when it comes to living in this "measurement world." As teachers I think it is important for us to care less about competition and comparison and more about our students. I think that you do a wonderful job of doing this - it is very obvious the love and compassion you have for your students! It is always easy for us to see the imperfections in ourselves, but I wanted to let you know that I think you are an amazing teacher and wonderful friend who truly cares! Thank you for that!

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