Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wk2 Free Choice - Make a Contribution

Just a few ideas of how you can be a contribution within your school (I'm going to be working on some of these myself):  

  • give a genuine compliment to at least 5 students today
  • make cookies to put in the teacher's lounge
  • surprise a co-worker with a soda and candy bar on their desk for their break
  • offer to take a co-worker's recess duty one day
  • surprise students with brand-new pencils that have your school's name on them
  • use stickers when grading papers today
  • focus on one student a week and do something to make them feel special
  • flash a BIG smile to everyone you pass in the hallway
  • leave the school secretary a note of appreciation on his or her desk
  • be a secret santa during the holidays
  • work in the concession stand at the next sporting event held at the school
  • invest time in writing a grant for supplies for your school
  • organize an appreciation dinner for the custodians
  • invite a guest speaker to come in to speak with the students
These are just a few ideas, but feel free to add your suggestions in the comment area! 


  1. So, you seem to be a list kind of person... very cool list.

  2. One of my favorites is to acknowledge the support staff (custodians, cafeteria works, secretaries) with a big smile and to call them by name. It amazes me how many people in the school just don't acknowledge these folks unless they are in need of their services.
