Monday, August 9, 2010

Wk 2 Reading - Contributions

Wow...the next three chapters in our textbook, The Art of Possibilities, were extremely eye-opening for me!  Ever read something that makes you feel self-absorbed, small-minded, and ashamed? That's how I felt when I read about making your life a contribution, instead of focusing on competing and playing games on a daily basis. Committing your life to being a contribution forces you to take the focus off of yourself and on to other people!
I don't think it was a coincidence that yesterday during the church service I attended, the pastor spoke about  Jesus's life being focused around pleasing his Father. This is how we should live our lives, focused on pleasing our Father. I think one way of doing this is living our lives to be a contribution to others. I feel like I'm finally getting the message that is so desperately being directed at me.

Another aspect of the book that I connected with was Rule Number 6.  I thought it was best put by the authors in the quote "Lighten up, which may well light up those around you." I'm going to post this on my desk as I start school again tomorrow - I think it will make a big difference with the way I look at things in the classroom!


  1. Abbie
    I can totally relate to how you expressed feeling about this week's reading! Even though some of the concepts have been very convicting, I am liking the opportunity to pause, look inside truthfully and be open to changing some of my practices.
    I, too, really liked Rule Number 6, and think your idea of making the quote "Lighten up, which may well light up those around you," visible is a great one, as you start the new school year!
    You have been, (and continue to be) a wonderful contributor to me on our shared journey of EMDT this year! You are a blessing!!

  2. Abbie,

    I've become a fan of Rule #6. Sometimes it is hard not to take things so seriously when so much seems to be going on, but like you I posted it on my desk and look forward to talking with my students about it.

    I think that you are right about being a contribution, and no matter which faith you practice, it is sage advice. We tend to focus on the negative and what's being done to us too often. When you look at it in a different light, it really makes sense. This entire book is definitely something that I plan to use quite a bit this year.

  3. Hi, Abbie. Your post reminds me a lot about what I wrote. I too found many spiritual connections in the readings, and made the biblical references to them. I was amazed about how they were so equivalent! I was also convicted, and saw deep inside of ME the things that I must change. What you included about Jesus is very similar to what I wrote about how the Bible says that we are not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, but to have an humble attitude that condescends. And most importantly (in terms of being a Contribution), it is more blessed to give than to receive! (Acts 20:35) Thanks for sharing your connection to the Lord Jesus in these chapters.

  4. I agree with you Abbie. When I started reading chapter 4, I immediately began to reflect on myself. It made me think of all the students that are being sent the wrong message. They are being taught to think of life in terms of failure and success and not contributions. I plan to explain this concept to all of my students in hopes that the concept will spread. Rule number 6 resonated with me as well. Every one should lighten and up and have fun. Even though I have experienced this lesson, I have to remind myself of this rule all the time.

    -Quinn Brown

  5. Abbie,
    I hope your school year is off to a wonderful start. I too love rule #6 and the quote you chose. I often try to remain positive and happy at work or home, because I want to be the thermostat in my own classroom and family, I don't want the pessimists to dictate the temperature of my work environment, and I never want to be that person who is the constant downer. Life is short, HAVE FUN!

  6. Abbie,
    I am sure your school has started out great! Your outlook is sure to foster a classroom environment in which your students will feel comfortable and secure! Following Rule Number 6 will also add to you classroom. The quote you chose perfectly sums it up. You do light up those around you with your positive attitude :)

  7. @ Abbie
    It is awesome how you have incorporated the reading and your experiences to make a change not only for yourself but for your students as well. It is amazing how much different you feel when you do the same thing yet focus on why is this important for someone else instead of yourself. This might even translate to your new marriage huh? haha

  8. Abbie,
    I love the idea of being a contributor. Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in "What did I accomplish?" that we forget to look outside of ourselves and our own personal achievements. The concept of being a contributor helps us to focus on ways we can better ourselves, our community, the people around us, etc. It helps us keep an open mind for ways in which we can bring a smile to someone else's face. I read your blog 4 choice of ways in which you can contribute more. I love your ideas and might even set some of those as my goals. Those are great ideas. I am sure you will make a great difference to the people around you. You brought a huge smile to my face already! :) Way to contribute already!
